It’s Alive!!!! Well… almost, but we are one major step closer as of tonight! Behold the official 1108 DVD case & disc design! (Feel free to proofread my work as well! Let’s make sure everything is right!) Even though we’re still several months away from a fully realized project, the sound design/scoring is going amazing and now we nearly have a tangible product. We’re getting so close!
1108 is the biggest and most challenging project I have ever undertaken. I’ve had to use my experience with (and in no specific order) writing, cameras/shot composition, audio gear, directing, lighting, mixing, sound design, talent sourcing, special FX, movie makeup, location scouting, prop design, marketing, babysitting/damage control, web design, composing, color-correction, editing and in this case graphic design. You know what… I even acted in one scene… Wow! What a ride! One might think I’d be relieved once this project is finished… Well, all I can say to that is… 🙂
Now moving on, in my opinion 1108 features some of the finest undiscovered talent in Los Angeles. I’ve even chatted with a few of these movie stars about working on my next several projects when I get back to LA LA Land in a few months. As much as I wanted to put everyone’s name on the front of the DVD case, I reserved that position for cast members that are featured in “4” or more scenes. Having said that, I believe that everyone’s name deserves to be shown, so… Behold! …Again!
ALL CAST MEMBERS NAMES ARE ON THE BACK! Please take a look and make sure your name is there AND if I’ve misspelled anything.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to pop 1108 into the DVD player, sit back and enjoy the show, but before that can happen, we still need your help! Producing an indie film takes a lot of capitol and we’re still a few $,$$$.$$ shy of hitting our goal. But there is great news! You can help us finish 1108 by going to our rally fundraising site and contributing! Even a $10.00 contribution would be amazing! All the money collected at our rally site from here on out will go directly to having 1108 printed on DVD! So what are you waiting for! Join the rally! –